Here, you'll find a wealth of information, tips, and strategies to help you enhance your productivity, manage your time more effectively, and achieve your goals.


Long-Range Goals


Strengthen These 6 Areas to See Increased Productivity!

Have you ever felt that despite your work to build a plan, the day slips away from you?  Or, have you taken time to do some goal-setting all to come to year's end and realize that you didn't make any progress on them?  Do you know WHAT you want to be doing but just can't seem to figure out HOW to fit in all you have to do and actually stay focused?
There are many components that help support good Time Management skills.  You can be strong in one area but if there are weaknesses in others, our…

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Time Management Habits that Hinder Success

Habits are like shortcuts for our brain.  We don't have to really think about what we're doing, we've built habits and can go on auto-pilot for many things we do regularly.  The problem is that habits can be positive AND negative.  Here are a few habits around time management and productivity that can really limit your ability to succeed:

  • Not taking time to strategize.  With the exception of those that stumble into success blindly, success for most of us takes forethought.  Don't leave your c…

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5 Suprising Things That Take A Blow At Our Productivity

While having a targeted and purposeful task list is a great launch point for a productive week, it’s important to think beyond the list.  Below are some things you may have never considered when thinking about the topic of Time Management.  Yet, how many of these may be impacting your ability to get things done??

  • Communication. Poorly communicating, especially through email, can really slow down your own efficiency.  Time spent waiting for responses, receiving only partial info needed, or nee…

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"Lighten Up" this Summer - - Goals

June 21st officially kicked off summer and, to me, that means lightening up - - from shedding jackets and sweaters for summer lightweight clothes, time away from the usual routine for vacation, kids out of school, to the generally lighter "vibe" the summer months bring.   It often also leads to projects around the house like cleaning out the garage or purging unused items.  So, it seems a good time to apply it to our Time Management as well.  This week's article will look at ways we can lighten …

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Are You Ready??

For many, today launches the first full week back into our regular routines and schedules.  And, despite our wish that we could slowly ease into the new year, it's off and running at full steam ahead!  We've got the gift of another 359 days full of opportunity and possibilities before 2019 is up.  So, are you ready?

Here are some things to ask yourself as you start this new year:

  • What is something new you'd like to do or try this year?
  • Is there something you could let go of that would resul…

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What Holds Our Goals Captive?? (part 1) - - FEAR!

This is the time of year when most of use are considering and setting goals for the new year.  We're operating from a place of possibility and big thinking.  That's as it should be!  That is where we can take a much broader consideration of what we want to accomplish, where we want to start and when we hope to get there .  The difficulty is that when we have to move into a place of action, there are unforeseen things that start holding us back.  FEAR is one of those - - and you may not even real…

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