Here, you'll find a wealth of information, tips, and strategies to help you enhance your productivity, manage your time more effectively, and achieve your goals.




Strengthen These 6 Areas to See Increased Productivity!

Have you ever felt that despite your work to build a plan, the day slips away from you?  Or, have you taken time to do some goal-setting all to come to year's end and realize that you didn't make any progress on them?  Do you know WHAT you want to be doing but just can't seem to figure out HOW to fit in all you have to do and actually stay focused?
There are many components that help support good Time Management skills.  You can be strong in one area but if there are weaknesses in others, our…

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The 5 Perks of Planning

One of the easiest things to dismiss when we're busy is taking the time to PLAN.  Often our attention is drawn to other things so it's easy to ignore - or forget - why this activity can be so beneficial.  Here are 5 reminders as to how taking 30 minutes to plan your week can really pay off in time saved and lower stress:

  1. You know where to begin - Without a plan for your day or week, we start our day being drawn to what captures our attention most in that moment.  Sometimes it's an urgent …

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Time Management Habits that Hinder Success

Habits are like shortcuts for our brain.  We don't have to really think about what we're doing, we've built habits and can go on auto-pilot for many things we do regularly.  The problem is that habits can be positive AND negative.  Here are a few habits around time management and productivity that can really limit your ability to succeed:

  • Not taking time to strategize.  With the exception of those that stumble into success blindly, success for most of us takes forethought.  Don't leave your c…

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Fitting It All In

For most people, how to fit everything into their day or week is at the top of their priority list when it comes to time management.  How can we better tackle the mountain of projects, tasks, and responsibilities while still trying to fit in time for leisure and downtime?  Unfortunately, it's often our personal time or goals that gets sacrificed at the altar of "trying to get it ALL done".  So, the question remains - - Just HOW do we make it all fit??  Consider these:

Think about it differentl…

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Here's $86,400 - - Now Spend It!

I recently spoke at a Lunch-n-Learn where they used a great icebreaker to kick off our discussion.  Participants were told to imagine they have been given $86,400.  They are required to spend it all – none can be saved.   Their assignment was to consider HOW it would be spent.  Many then shared what they would put the money toward:  paying off student loans, saving for retirement, paying down their mortgage, gifting money to family, taking a dream vacation, etc.  Each person’s intention was to d…

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Building a Better Plan - - Avoid Being Shortsighted

It's so frustrating to create a plan for your week and then have it all go out the window!  While we can't always avoid emergencies, priority changes, or sometimes even interruptions there ARE ways you can make sure that you don't jeopardize your plan from the get go.  Make sure your plan isn't short-sighted.  There's nothing like constantly tackling urgencies and last minute deadlines to throw our intentions into a tail spin.  Today's tip:  

Broaden your scope beyond the current week  


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