Are You Ready??


For many, today launches the first full week back into our regular routines and schedules.  And, despite our wish that we could slowly ease into the new year, it's off and running at full steam ahead!  We've got the gift of another 359 days full of opportunity and possibilities before 2019 is up.  So, are you ready?

Here are some things to ask yourself as you start this new year:

  • What is something new you'd like to do or try this year?
  • Is there something you could let go of that would result in a happier or healthier you?
  • Where could you allow yourself a little grace and be easier on yourself?
  • Where could you use some support or a boost that could help you do something you've been wanting to accomplish?
  • What is the biggest opportunity this year could bring? 

Productivity isn't only about checking tasks off our list.  Sure, that's what can keep us on track each day.  Just don't discount the thoughtful work that charts the course for a year full of meaning and purpose.  Answering some of the questions above is a beginning to identifying WHAT, WHEN, and HOW to make it happen.  From there you can build a plan for achieving those things that are most important to you. 

If you could benefit from goal-setting, coaching, planning, or training around how to improve your time management and productivity, contact me for a complimentary consultation.  At cbSullivan Consulting we help with "Organizing the Time of Your Life!"


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