Here, you'll find a wealth of information, tips, and strategies to help you enhance your productivity, manage your time more effectively, and achieve your goals.


Leverage - Habits & Self Management


It's Not The Task We Procrastinate - It's Getting Started!

We’ve all been there - - that lingering item that needs to be done but we just can’t seem to make ourselves do it.  Sometimes it’s that the task is large or difficult.  Other times it’s something that’s new and we’re not quite sure how to proceed.  Or, it could be that we are waiting for ALL the information needed to get started.  Whatever the case may be, we can move toward combatting procrastination when we look beyond the task and start to tackle the first real hurdle - - just BEGINNING.  Try…

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Tips & Ideas to Stay Productive Amidst COVID-19

Many of us are, or will be, impacted by schedule disruptions related to COVID-19.  Cancellations and the move toward "social distancing" means we will likely be spending much more time at home in the coming days.  With this change in normal routine, it's easy to feel lost and fearful amidst the chaos. 

To combat the negativity and to help us state in a mindset that is positive and productive, I've compiled some ideas on productive ways you can utilize this time.  Try some of these in the coming…

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5 Unproductive Phrases to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary!

There are several phrases I frequently hear from clients – and have been known to say myself from time to time– that prove counter-productive to accomplishing your best work.  Each of these phrases highlight common misconceptions and may be fooling you into some unproductive thinking.

Check them out:

"I don't have time!"  We all have the same number of minutes in each day, and we will spend every one of them - on something.  So, to say "I don't have time" is an untruth.  It's become an eve…

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